Point of Sale & Kiosk
The key requirement for Point Of Sale (POS) devices is reliability. Capacitive touch offers an intuitive interface that will endure over other technologies. It's also important for high usage devices that can be in varying environments to be robust to the elements as well. aXiom helps POS devices deliver performance that lasts!
For hand-held POS terminals or other applications where signature capture is required, TouchNetix has developed touchscreens which can detect, and operate reliably with a ‘passive’ conductive stylus down to 1 mm tip size.
As the world is changing post-Covid, manufacturers are increasingly interested in Air Touch. aXiom not only delivers the best capacitive touch experience, but can deliver Air Tap, Air Swipe, and other features that don’t require the user to actually touch the same display as users before them.
Within multi-user environments aXiom enables touchless user interfaces with both proximity and hover sensing available. This improves hygiene and the overall user experience.